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A Knock in the Attic

John Russell

2023 FAPA Award Winner

A unique page-turning adventure every fan of the paranormal will love.

When I was five years old I was awakened by an intrusive ghost who not only scared the wits out of me but who also opened up a portal that activated my psychic gifts and allowed a never-ending parade of paranormal manifestations to occur in my life.

A Knock in the Attic is my story, not only about my psychic awakening and the abundance of mind-blowing otherworldly confrontations I've experienced, but also about the life lessons those many supernatural encounters have taught me. I've learned that our loved ones who have crossed over, as well as our beloved deceased pets, can give us convincing proofs that life continues after death, sometimes even returning to visit the flesh!

I've discovered that Guardian Angels are indeed real, having been protected from certain death many times by their loving and watchful power. I developed healing abilities that greatly benefitted others and yet left me confounded by my own incapability when it came to dealing with my serious personal health issues. I've seen bizarre doppelgängers; experienced continual ghostly activity of an unbelievable and incredible nature; had spirits steal things from me and also bring me gifts; and lived through many more circumstances that will boggle your mind and challenge your perceptions about the psychic and spiritual realms.

I'll tell you what it was like to meet Uri Geller, to film a TV pilot for The History Channel, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at some paranormal investigations I conducted that revealed incredible facts. I will also describe my own "UFO encounter" at the Roswell UFO Museum.

In spite of this exceedingly close contact with the realm of Spirit--or maybe because of it--somewhere along the way I lost my faith and gave up on myself, my psychic gifts, and the beings on the Other Side; but they didn't give up on me, and that's why I'm still here to tell you my story.

Now I'm happy to share these amazing events with you, wishing that you will find inspiration, insight, encouragement, laughter, hope, and maybe even a renewed faith of your own. You may have more than a few spine-tingling moments as you join me to experience these astonishing true stories of the unknown.

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