2025 Conference & Awards
Registration Information
​Conference Pricing
includes ticket for awards ceremony
​​​Early Birds: Sept-June 30
Members (login for discount) $494
Non-Members $644
Regular Registration: July 1-FAPACon
Members (login for discount) $624
Non-Members $724
Awards Event Pricing
the pricing below is for guests that are not attending the conference
​​​Early Birds: Sept-June 30
Members (login for discount) $145
Non-Members $195
Regular Registration: July 1-FAPACon
Members (login for discount) $185
Non-Members $225
Your All-Inclusive conference ticket includes access to:
1 ticket to the Book Awards Ceremony & Dinner
All Sponsor Exhibits on site
Unlimited Networking Opportunities
All Friday Afternoon Events
Tribal Talk
Speed Dating
Ask the Experts Roundtable Discussions
Friday Evening Networking and Reception on the Veranda
All Saturday Guest Speakers, including Keynote Speaker
Saturday meals and refreshments
Morning Coffee Break
Afternoon Snacks
Annual FAPA Membership Meeting—only FAPA members can vote
Saturday Evening Reception in the Sunroom
Discounted rates at the Official Conference Hotel
Your Book Awards Celebration ticket includes access to:
Networking Opportunities
Friday Evening Networking and Reception on the Veranda
Annual FAPA Membership Meeting—only FAPA members can vote
Cash Bar and Pre-Celebration Networking
Large Dinner Buffet
Basket Raffle (raffle tickets may be purchased at the door)
Book Awards Celebration—cocktail attire is encouraged
Saturday Evening Reception in the Sunroom
Discounted rates at the Official Conference Hotel
1 Book Awards Event ticket is included in your conference registration this year.
Registration for the conference is not required to purchase Book Awards tickets.
Cancellation Policy: Full refund will be given upon request before June 30. No refunds will be issued after June 30, however, if you are unable to attend, your registration/ticket funds may be applied to FAPACon 2026. Contact treasurer, Renee Garrison, with questions.